Mariella Lauriola
Hello everyone! It’s Dr. Mariella Lauriola, EMDR certified therapist and CIT.
I am the CEO (or better heart & brain) behind Trauma Healing Therapy (THT), a psychotherapy group practice in California where we support individuals and couples healing from different types of trauma. The entire team is trained in EMDR, Assyst, PRECI and Flash Technique and we offer in person and online therapy services, as well as intensive EMDR. Now I am also offering EMDR consultation services as a CIT.
I truly look forward to working with you!
Contact Info
Cupertino, Santa Clara County, California, 95014, United States
English, Spanish, Italian, Tagalog
Therapy Format
In-Person, Telehealth
Populations Served
Individuals, Couples, Families, Adults, LGBTQ2SIA+ Affirming Practice
Services Offered
EMDR Intensives, EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol for Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS), EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Trauma Stress (EMDR-PRECI), Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) Procedures
Cupertino, Santa Clara County, California, 95014, United States