Marcken Volmy

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Marcken Volmy



Marcken Volmy is a licensed mental health counselor and the owner of Bedrock Counseling, a private practice based in Florida that also offers EMDR consultation for recently trained clinicians. Marcken is a Consultant-in-Training. He is an EMDR trained and certified therapist with over a decade’s worth of experience helping people identify their traumas and gaining more awareness in how to process unresolved issues. Marcken is the author of Trauma Stories: Discovering Strength Through Our Vulnerabilities. Marcken has worked with special needs children, overwhelmed adults, community mental health, mobile crisis unit, children in group homes, non-profit mental health, and substance abuse. Marcken currently works with adults who’ve experienced developmental traumas, all forms of childhood abuse and trauma wounds. He also helps these adults to work through the plethora of life challenges that they may be facing, such as depression, neglect, abandonment, grief, anxiety, addiction, a lack of purpose in life, self-esteem issues, and ways to improve on just becoming a better overall person. Marcken is passionate about all things mental health and trauma related and enjoys adding value to people’s lives one story at a time. Marcken lives in Florida with his wife and family.

Contact Info

1025 Gateway Blvd Ste 303-235


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Therapy Format
In-Person, Telehealth
Populations Served
Individuals, Families, Adults, Seniors (65+)
Services Offered
EMDR Intensives, EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol for Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS), EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Trauma Stress (EMDR-PRECI), Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) Procedures, Crisis Response using the ASSYST or IGTP


1025 Gateway Blvd Ste 303-235

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